About Us
Have you ever wanted to try THC, but were concerned about the taste? Eighty Six has got you covered. Order Delta-8 THC products online in classic, delicious flavors inspired by your favorite strains.
We choose our Delta-8 vape cartridge flavors to help give you an electrifying rush of creativity and enhance your overall high. Let these flavors ease you into vivid dreams, deep relaxation, or intense concentration — however you choose to enhance your mind!
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Shipping Times
All orders are shipped in 48 hours or less.
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Mission & Lab Results
We believe respect, trust, and sincerity are three major factors that drive us successful
We provide the highest quality products possible at the lowest possible price. Our products are 100% authentic and fresh from the manufacturer.
The satisfaction of our customers is our major goal, therefore we strive to offer perfect customer service. Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team will answer any question you may have regarding our products and services.
Lab Reports: